Prologue The year was then 2150. Wars were breaking out all over the globe as people struggled for land, or possessions, or even a crust of bread. It's a wonder even that the world still functions at all, but it does. It lurches it's way toward total destruction and there are those groups seeking power that are more than willing to even sell their souls for the power they crave. Putting their collective heads together and seeking the 'darker' powers that exist in the world mostly unseen, they plotted and schemed for all the possible power there was. The only problem is that as humans, they are easily fooled and the 'darker' powers used that to gain a distinct advantage in the world above. While most of the rest of the world bickered and fought amongst themselves, this group met in secret, preforming a ceremony that would open a doorway into that unseen world. They had been promised wealth, power, nearly to rule as Gods among men and because of their greed and because they were blinded by the thought of being more powerful than anyone, the doorway was indeed opened. When it was legions of demons were free to attack, destroying cities and any lives that were a threat to their continued existance. The men were destroyed during that ceremony and noone was left who knew what the spell was that first opened that hole into Hell itself. Now, during this time also, hidden within the cities and working in secret were groups that understood the fate the world would surely feel. They gathered all of the occult knowledge they could find, Formulating battle plans should Hell's forces actually gain entry into the world. They hoped..and prayed that it would never be, but when it happened, they were ready. It was a war like the world had never seen. Military forces were wiped out, bombs were laughed at and tossed back into the area they were fired from. Magicks lit up the skies with their flames and only those who were prepared had any hope of driving them back. The battled waged for alittle over 10 years, neither side appearing as though it was willing to give and niether side appearing as though it was going to win. A stalemate had been reached, though the world had paid a severe price for that stalemate. Cities had been decimated. Technology had been laid waste and only those pockets where the tech had been hoarded and saved still had anything at all. Such was the final indignaty for the world in general. Small groups of survivors huddled together for safty, scavenging for food and banding into a more tribal sort of life. Existance was a day to day struggle and demons still wandered the earth seeking prey. Present Day The time is now 2450 and it's been 300 years since that all happened. The world for the most part is sparcely populated and those places with people live a more medieval lifestyle. Horses and carts are the mode of transportation. Blacksmiths are jealously guarded since they are the only ones who know how to work with metal and the only ones strong enough to leave the safty of the small villages to seek for metals. The people within the villages are distructful of outsiders, having been prey at various times to shapeshifting demons and are fearful of technology as though it were the 'devil's work'. Witch hunts are frequent since the villagers always need to be wary of anything magickal for fear it's a demon in disguise. Farms must be forced from the ground and life is very hard, though over time some sort of 'life' has been found. In the cites, the continuing struggle to seal the hole which leads to Hell is still being worked on. No trace of the spell which first opened it has been found and all of those incredible thinkers who worked hard to keep the world even with the forces of Hell still ponder that great mystery. Warriors trained for battle against the legions of HellSpawn that still roam the world in secret are sent out as wanderers, trained to kill whatever evil creature they come across and to report back should a resurgance of demons begin again. Magick in the cities is in high demand and mages sit and delve into the mysteries of warfare using those magicks, finding any spell or incantation that may be used against the evil trying to claim their world. Hell's legions constantly sneak up from the Hellmouth, the doorway that was opened 300 years into the past. They steal children, tempt souls to sin, kill the righteous, and do everything in their power to claim the world of men for their own. This is the world as it is now. This is Hell's Gate.Hell's Gate